The Fog Fall Episode 2 Walkthru Guide
This is a walkthru guide for The Fog Fall Episode 2,
a psychological thriller set in an alternate-history around the Cuban Missile Crisis.
As you emerge from your bomb shelter after the mysterious fog has lifted, a grim reality comes slowly into focus. The Fog Fall 2 challenges you to pick up where the saga left off, and try to escape with your life!
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- Click on the gray piece of metal in the first scene.
- Enter the fallout shelter.
- Go as far back as you can and take the right door.
- You'll see a cabinet on the right, open the two glass doors and grab the fuel can.
- Exit the fallout shelter.
- Go towards the orange car.
- Click on the orange car, grab the crowbar.
- Enter town.
- Click on the garage to the right, crowbar the lock off it.
- Enter the garage, click on the cabinet to the left and grab the hammer.
- Exit back into town and click on the left house.
- Grab the rifle ammo from the poor guy's corpse.
- Exit out of there, go to the right house, talk to the guy.
- Go further into town. In the distance there is a gas station, click on it, go in, talk with the guy in there as well.
- Go back to the fallout shelter.
- Go to the far back of the shelter and go left, where there is a brick wall. Use the hammer to smash it down.
- Go forward twice. Read the dead man's journal and grab the spaghetti from the shelf on the right.
- Leave the fallout shelter.
- Go back to the screen you started at and go to the right.
- Click on the window
- Click on the doorway
- Click on the well
- Grab the accumulator (battery).
- Go back to the road leading into the forest.
- Take the forest path to the guard tower, climb the ladder.
- Load the ammo into the gun, take aim, and blast some mutants until there are none left.
- Speak to the woman and receive your reward for saving her.
- Grab the necklace and take it back to the house on the right. Give it to the man on the porch with a rifle. He'll give you the key to the car.
- Go back to the gas station in town. Trade the food for gas.
- Go back to the truck in the garage.
- Click on the gas cap, pour the gas in.
- Enter the car, pull the lever on the right to pop the hood.
- Exit the car, click on the hood. Open the hood.
- Insert the accumulator between the red and green plugs.
- Close the hood.
- Enter the car, insert the key.
- Drive off to… safety?
This walkthru is copyright 2009 by Mateusz Skutnik. It is provided by ArcadeTown
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